Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Natives vs. The Puritans

First off, in the Native commandments, God is not mentioned like it was in the puritans video. In the video,the man says, "we've deserved the fiery pit and we're sentenced to it". The puritans believe that everyone was born a sinner. God saved only a few and the rest goes straight to hell. To them, there was no way anyone could earn God's grace. To interpret the word of God, they had a man named Johnathon Edwards. My Native's American example on the other hand, talks about whats the right thing to do. Their commandments, doesnt speak about heavan nor hell. In the Native commandments, it talks about a spirit, it saids,"Oh Great Spirit, bring to our brothers the wisdom of Nature and the knowledge that if her laws are obeyed this land will again flourish and grasses and trees will grow as before". When they say spirits, it of makes me think as if they're talking about their ancestors.

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